"MUZEO" produced by Illusion On Ice, featured the participation of talented figure skaters from around the world, who delighted the audience with their skills on the ice rink. The show also incorporated cutting-edge visual and musical effects, an exquisite bubble act, performed by Javier Urbina, The Lord Of The Bubbles, ensuring a unique and unforgettable experience for all visitors. The show will be taking place in Torreón fair (Mexico) during September 2023 and in Pachuca fair (Mexico) during October 2023.


The ice skating show "Illusions on Ice" premiered at the Torreón Fair (Mexico, September 2023), delighting the audience with its spectacular acrobatics. Throughout the performance, gasps of astonishment and continuous applause of recognition could be heard. More than just an ice skating show, it's a masterclass in roller acrobatics that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with a series of spins and pirouettes that defy gravity and test the skaters' skills in each act with blades on their feet.

The stage features an ice rink spanning over 150 square meters, serving as the backdrop. Giant screens in the background complement the lighting and music dynamic during the performance, featuring nearly 20 internationally acclaimed professional dancers. From start to finish, the show takes the audience on a thrilling journey with a theme inspired by travels and performances from around the world, ranging from the Middle East to Europe, the United States, and Mexico.

As part of the skaters' skills, the performance includes genuine Olympic spins, forward and backward somersaults, meticulously coordinated choreography, and high-altitude acts that put their physical well-being on the line, making this world-class show truly worth witnessing.

Additionally, an exceptional bubbles acts (performed by Javier Urbina "The Lord Of The Bubbles"), captivates the audience's attention, with tricks involving large smoke-filled soap bubbles that offer a visually stunning spectacle.

Source: MILENIO.COM / Jorge Maldonado / Torreón, Coahuila / 07.09.2023 14:17:05