The Original "Circo Fuentes Gasca Mexico" proudly presents an innovative and thrilling show that promises to captivate audiences of all ages. With over 60 shows during a span of 6 weeks, this one-of-a-kind circus will unfold all its charm and talent to deliver unforgettable moments to its spectators. With Javier Urbina "The Lord Of The Bubbles" as part of the main cast.
Attention, circus and fun enthusiasts! An exceptional and magical experience is coming to Tlalnepantla that you won't want to miss. The Original Circo Fuentes Gasca Mexico proudly presents an innovative and thrilling show that promises to captivate audiences of all ages. With over 60 shows during a span of 6 weeks, this one-of-a-kind circus will unfold all its charm and talent to deliver unforgettable moments to its spectators. With Javier Urbina "The Lord Of The Bubbles" as part of the main cast.
Welcome to Circo Fuentes Gasca Mexico, with "The Lord of the Bubbles" in Tlalnepantla!
A show for all ages
From Friday, July 21st, (2023) the opening day, until September 3rd, the closing day, Circo Fuentes Gasca Mexico will delight the audience with its incredible performances. The circus box office will be open for ticket sales from 2:00 PM to 9:00 PM, or you can also purchase tickets on the day of the show.
Affordable prices for everyone!
The circus has considered the whole family in its spectacle, offering different prices based on age and seating location. Children can enjoy the wonders of the circus in the grandstand or loge for only $100, while adults can choose between $250 for the grandstand and $300 for the loge. If you seek a more exclusive experience, VIP seats for adults and children are available at a price of $500. It's important to mention that child tickets apply to ages 1 to 10 years and with a maximum height of 1.20 meters.
Showtimes to fit your schedule
To ensure that nobody misses out on this great experience, the circus has scheduled various performances throughout the week. From Monday to Friday, you can attend the shows at 6:15 PM or 8:30 PM, on Saturdays at 5:00 PM and 8:30 PM, and on Sundays, you have three options at 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM, and 8:30 PM. Choose the time that best fits your schedule and come enjoy the show with your family! Until September 3, 2023.
Located in front of Plaza Sentura and Rodeo Santa Fe
The perfect venue for this unmatched circus experience has been carefully chosen. Circo Fuentes Gasca Mexico with Bubbles will be located in front of Plaza Sentura and Rodeo Santa Fe, an easily accessible area for everyone to reach and immerse themselves in the magic of the circus.
Meet Javier Urbina, The Lord Of The Bubbles!
Within this unique spectacle, you will have the opportunity to witness the incredible talent of "The Lord of the Bubbles" His ability to create giant bubbles and astonishing figures will leave you amazed. Don't miss the chance to enjoy his act, which will undoubtedly be one of the most memorable moments of the show.
Circo Fuentes Gasca Mexico in Tlalnepantla is an experience you cannot afford to miss. Gather your whole family and come to experience the magic, excitement, and fun that only a circus of this magnitude can offer! Remember, the shows are for a limited time only, so secure your tickets and get ready for moments you'll cherish forever.
See you at the circus, where dreams come true!
Top World Class Bubble Experiences since 2008
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